Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500030, Andhra Pradesh, India
Recruitment of Core Faculty as Professor
AMR-APARD, the State institute of Rural Development, located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India desires to fill up the five core faculty positions under various disciplines on all India basis in the cadre of Asst/ Associate/ Professors in following areas :
- Natural, Resource Management/ Decentralized Planning/ Geographic information system/ Information and CommunicationTechnologies/ Quantitative Techniques and Statistics
How to Apply : Eligible Candidates may apply giving their CV stating their qualifications and experience along with list of publications showing year name of journal/or published. The short listed candidates will have to submit all the originals at the time of interview .The last date for receipt ofapplications is 10th June 2010. The applications should be sent by post only. Applications received after the last date will not be entertained. The envelope should be super scribed“APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CORE FACULTY IN AMR - APARD ” and should be addressed to:
The Vice Chairperson, Centre for Development Studies, AMR-Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, - 500030. Andhra Pradesh
Please view http://www.apard.gov.in/Core_faculty.pdf for details.